Monday, December 30, 2013

Noah's Legacy Guatemala Mission Team 2013
Village of Hope Orphage
Sacatepéquez, Guatemala

Noah's Legacy 2013 Mission Trip to the Village of Hope Sacatepéquez, Guatemala

A Giving Heart...

Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year….gift wrap and bows, shopping and Starbucks (Yeah, you know we all do it!), Christmas trees and wreaths, singing Christmas carols while visions of sugar plums dance in our heads…What could be grander than the Christmas traditions that we all find warming our hearts during the Holiday season? It almost makes me giddy inside like a child on Christmas morning just thinking of it…and its 360 more days until Christmas rolls around again.

So what is it about Christmas that makes us want to be in the “giving” spirit. Nothing feels better than watching the glow in someone’s eyes as they are getting ready to open the gift YOU fought the woman in the red Santa hat over on Black Friday (not to mention the young man you elbowed to get that gaming system that your child just had to have because their old one was a year out dated). There’s no feeling like it. Oh yeah, there are some of “those” people (smiles because she knows how narrow-minded that phrase can be) out there who prefer to buy for themselves, but they’re just odd to begin with…no offense to those relatives of ours who buy, wrap, and label gift cards to themselves. There’s just something about “giving” that makes people feel content, or warm like that $5 Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha makes you feel on the inside.

Why can’t we feel this way ALL YEAR LONG?…but then that would mean I would have to do this “giving” thing all year long…really? I don’t have enough time in the day to “give” my family a healthy, homemade dinner after work every day. How would I ever find the time, or for heaven’s sake---the money, to give myself ALL YEAR LONG? I have ESP because I knew that was what you were thinking. That’s the same thought I had when I passed a scrawny looking man standing on the side of the road today in the freezing rain, holding a sign, and carrying a dirty, ragged old bag with him. I was in a hurry to get back to my warm, cozy bed in my toasty home because I woke up sick this morning and the doctor that I just paid for gave me a shot and a prescription that I was able to pick up in my nice warm vehicle. After rereading the whole thing out loud, I’m hearing just how ridiculous it sounds, too!

I don’t even know why I am writing all this…I guess mainly because an older neighbor/friend/church member passed away three days before Christmas, one of my dearest friends is at the hospital with her daddy-in-law right now who is losing his battle to cancer as we speak, and now this man who I found out today has, despite what “we” all thought when we passed him on the street, been trying to find a job and to no avail. All these senses maximized by the fact that Noah’s flowers came in today and are ready to be placed “there” (and I can’t say where because I have yet to be able to connect those words with his name in a sentence yet without a tear-soaked, drudgery of a meeting with myself and the voices in my head that make me want to SCREAM! No I do not have multiple personalities and yes I do know Jesus is here with me whenever those moments arise…just hard to explain unless you’ve been there).

So, here’s where I am going with all this babble…As I was passing the man for the second time today, I was reminded of Matthew 25:35-45, and I am horrible with scripture quoting so let me paraphrase…when I was out on the street and you saw me standing there hungry, without clothes, or a place to stay, which choice did you make? Did you do something to help me, or shrug your shoulders and say “what can I do? I am one person? They need to work like I do and they may have something? He’s just lazy?” Even the smallest thing that you do, I see, and when you did these things to even those who don’t seem to deserve it, you are doing it to me. In so many words that’s what Jesus said to me today. So, my New Year’s resolution is to get healthy, (of course, isn’t everyone’s?), clean my house (hello!), AND DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO SHOW OTHERS THAT I LOVE THEM, but mostly, THAT JESUS LOVES THEM! Even the smallest act is not going to be too small. Because in the end, the reason Christmas is so wonderful and it feels so great to give to others is because God gave the ultimate gift to us. Yeah, yeah, yeah….there’s the connection….Don’t roll your eyes at me! It is the reason that we love to watch other’s smile…the reason we love at all! HE really is!

So I am ending with this verse taken from Philippians that is used in Noah’s Legacy Mission Statement:

“Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.  Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” NLT

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Letter to Noah

Dear Noah, 

What is Christmas like in heaven? Does Jesus take you by the hand and share with you the true story of his birth? Do you sing with the angels all the many carols proclaiming the birth of Christ, while looking upon His face? I'm sure you are leading the choir.

It seems like you are forever away, but you seem so close when I think of what you must be doing right now. It's almost like you are on a wonderful vacation and waiting for us to meet you there. I often wonder if you've even had a chance to miss me yet, or look down upon us to see how our life is playing out...but then I wouldn't be heaven if you could, for then you would see the hurt and sadness that I feel so often. I'm ok with believing that you have been so busy with Jesus and all the wonderful people to meet and things to do there that you haven't had a chance to miss me. I'm ok with that. I'm ok with you not looking over me because this is YOUR TIME TO LIVE, so live! Run, run, run like you've never ran before. Jump, hop, skip like no one can. You are forever free from any abnormalities that you once had to carry. So you enjoy every part!

I enjoy my time here with your dad and Daylee, but I am anxious to be HOME. I can't wait to know what it feels like to not feel sadness or depression, pain or fear. What it feels like to not cry because you miss someone soooo much. What it feels like to look Jesus face to face, hear Him speak, and hold His hand. WOW...those thoughts are mind blowing! 
I miss you more everyday...I try to catch a glimpse of you in Daylee as she sleeps or in what she says. She just doesn't have your people But then again, no one ever will! 

Well, Santa has arrived and Dayday is asleep. Oh and one more thing, I promise you that Dayday will ALWAYS be taught about our Jesus and His birth and the real meaning of Christmas. She asks a million questions about God, Jesus, Heaven, and You...and I tell her the truth about it all. My job is to make sure my children make it Home....and I am 50% good on that promise to God. 

We love you and think of you all the time. I know this letter is for me, but if Jesus should share it with you, then know that I am very proud to say I AM YOUR MOMMY. You and Dayday are my dream come true. And I will continue to make you proud of the legacy you've left behind!!!! See you soon sweetheart!


Sunday, December 8, 2013


Just like Mary Magdalene's alabaster jar, I've been gloriously broken so God can reveal to others how valuable He's made me on the inside! My outward self is continuously fading, but my inner self renews day by day!!! There's beauty in this broken jar...pour me out and use me Lord to glorify you!!! 

Mark 14:3, 2 Cor. 4:16