Friday, September 25, 2015

Reminder to self: God knows what He's doing, God knows what He's doing...

There are those days when things seem to go awry...some days it feels like your life has ups and downs like a roller coaster. Then, there are those days when the roller coaster stops in the middle of a loop and you become stuck upside down...all the blood rushes to your head and there's nothing you can do but wait for someone to relieve you. That seems to have been our lives over the past several months.

It's been several months since I last blogged. Noah's Legacy Foundation completed a trip to Honduras last year. This year, we had so much going on personally that it made it hard for us to leave. So there were three previous Noah's Legacy mission team members from our church who went this summer back to Honduras to follow up on last year's trip and do additional village and street ministry.

2015 has seemed like a year of Victory and Defeat. Of course, I'm using the term "defeat" very lightly. In March, two strong, beautiful women (Shayla Taylor and Kellie Hargett) and I started a new chapter in our lives with a much needed, and greatly called, ministry, Three Strong. Three Strong recorded its very first CD during the Spring 2015 and was released in the Summer. God has opened so many doors for our music ministry. So, Trapp Ministry has now intertwined with Three Strong for an even greater testimony! I love these two women with all my heart. We have been through some of the most tragic events within the last several years and because of an Almighty, Powerful God, we have made it to the other side of such devastation. Every day is a challenge for each of us, but everyday is also a blessing from God that we can share with others when given the opportunity. God knows what He's doing...

In May, my sister-in-law, Susan Trapp Higginbotham, was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer. We were so sure she would beat the odds, but unfortunately it had spread into her kidneys, which caused renal failure. On July 23, only a couple months after her initial diagnosis, Susan joined Noah and met her Savior face to face for the first time. What an amazing day for her. We miss her so much, but what a Hallelujah day it was for her to make it HOME! I had the opportunity just a few days prior to her promotion to talk about Home. She asked me if I was jealous...she would be getting to hold my sweet Noah in just a few days. Honestly, YES! At the time, I was jealous that she was going to get to be with my Savior and Noah sooner than I could, but I also know the devastation and anxiety there has to be knowing you are leaving behind those who want you to stay, and knowing that your children need you to be "here" with them. It's a bittersweet thought that I'm not sure I could even answer honestly. We continued with a conversation that no one, especially a mother, would ever want to have..."You take care of my boys" she said with a beautiful, peaceful smile that could only come from someone who "KNEW". I continued with "And when you get there, you hug my baby and tell him I love him, and I'm coming, daddy, and Daylee." She smiled and nodded. We both "KNEW". Two mothers, two different circumstances...but both knowing that God is good, and His plan is perfect! God knows what He's doing...

Today, we are battling another family situation...this week my father-in-law was diagnosed with Lymphoma. We're unsure where this will lead the Trapp family once again, but one thing is for sure...we still know that God is good, and His plan is perfect! Nothing changes who we are in situation too bad, no circumstance too unbearable can take away who God is! He's perfect...and He knows what He's doing!! When everything else fails, we can rest assure that He never will! The Trapp family will continue to keep our eyes on the prize...HOME...and keep reminding ourselves...GOD KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING!!!!